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Writing is new passion of mine as I write in a media setting and get further into my studies of Writing Rhetoric and Technical Communications, work at the writing center and take editing and journalism courses. I love the process of interviewing and investigating a story. What I enjoy most is when I can include my own voice and creative descriptions, such as in

feature writing or creative nonfiction.

The Breeze iMadison News Article

While at JMU, I have worked as a news writer for James Madison University's school newspaper, The Breeze. In my first article, about an iMadison App, I won an award for that weeks paper for best article.

Not only have I written articles for the paper, but I have also had practical experience attending weekly news meetings, working with editors, investigating stories, finding sources and developing my reporting skills. I learned how to work on tight deadlines and collaborate with a news team of editors and cowriters.

Urbino Study Abroad Feature Article

In May 2017 I studied abroad in Urbino, Italy through James Madison University's program and collaboration with Institute for Education in International Media’s Urbino program. I took a 3 credit Magazine Storytelling Course, in which we wrote feature articles for the published Urbino Now Magazine 2017 Edition.


Through intensive classes and workshops and hands on journalism experience, I learned how to pitch a story, write a lede and nut, produce a photojournalism slideshow and collaborate with an interpreter, all while navigating Italy itself and the Italian cultural customs.

Wordpress Social Luggage Blog

A semester-long group project required me to create a blog about a specific industry's use of social media. My group's blog Social Luggage is about how social media is now an influencing factor in travel choices for millennial consumers.

I was primarily responsible for research and writing for "You've Been Dealt a Context Card" and "Hashtags, Geotags and Cookies". I also created the reference page and contributed to copy editing all articles in the blog.

If you liked some of my work or have any questions or comments,
​please reach out to me. I would love to hear from you.

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